
10 amazing facts about Apple

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10 amazing facts about Apple

Video: Top 10 Facts - Apple 2024, July

Video: Top 10 Facts - Apple 2024, July

IPhone is very popular in the modern world. The secret of success is not only in quality and advanced technology, but also in the image of the company. He is surrounded by myths, but many facts are more surprising than any fabrications.


Facts about the creation and history of the company

Everyone knows the Apple logo - a bitten apple of knowledge. In fact, the first was not at all this colorful apple. The original symbol was Isaac Newton, who sits under an apple tree - a reference to the legend of Sir Isaac's discovery of the force of universal gravitation. One of the three founders of Apple, Ronald Wayne, painted this logo. At the dawn of the company, Wayne resold his shares to Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak for just $ 800. Now they are worth a fortune - 22 billion dollars.

The logo was rejected because it turned out to be too detailed. In a compressed form, it looked very bad on the company's products. In 1976, it was replaced by the famous rainbow apple, authored by Rob Yanof. In 1998, it was replaced by a monochrome option.

The first orders for Apple I were collected with money received from the sale of Steve Jobs van and an engineering calculator, which at that time cost as much as $ 500.

Even then, Apple I was not cheap. Given inflation, in terms of current prices, the first computer will be more expensive than modern MacBook Pros. And the specific price of this computer is $ 666 and 66 cents. Wozniak was fond of repeating the numbers, so he rounded up $ 667 to 666.66.
