
We open a recruitment agency - what you need to know?

We open a recruitment agency - what you need to know?

Video: Start A Recruitment Agency - Why We Built Seriously Connected 2024, July

Video: Start A Recruitment Agency - Why We Built Seriously Connected 2024, July

It is known that most of the success of any company depends on a team of employees - its core competence and cohesion. Independent attempts to find a high-class specialist are not always successful. Therefore, recruitment agencies are gaining popularity today. Their working staff, as a rule, is composed of psychologists who can correctly select the staff according to the required professional skills and personal qualities.


But let's look at the underside of the personnel business and see what you need to know in order to start a business in this area.

  • At first, a recruitment agency can exist right at your place. Work begins when there is a customer base, and while it is being recruited, it is not necessary to invest in office rent and its design. Enough desk, chair, mobile phone and a computer connected to the Internet. Do not forget to develop profiles! For starters, they can only be sent to customers by email.
  • The first steps in the HR business include advertising on all possible multimedia platforms. An Internet resource will allow you to find customers on virtual labor exchanges (of course, for a fee). Print media, specialized employment newspapers, will also help to attract you attention.
  • Advertising can be targeted at employers, at potential employees or, at the same time, at both of them - it all depends on what type of personnel agency you want to manage. There are recruiting (for personnel selection), headhunting (engaged in the search for high-class specialists for large companies), specialized, information and agencies that combine all of the above. The latter are the highest level of development of your business. It is very difficult and costly to build such a business right away.
  • Are you ready to move to the office? Remember that it should be conveniently located: in a large business center or near a public transport stop so that the client can quickly find you.
  • The staff of your recruitment agency should consist of at least 3 employees to simultaneously receive customers and phone calls.
  • For dessert, the best part is about the income of a recruitment agency. According to statistics, the medium-promoted, but entrenched in the market agency earns from 10 to 20 thousand dollars a month.
