
How to increase company profits

How to increase company profits

Video: 10 Tips to Increase Profits and Sales for Your Business | Brian Tracy 2024, July

Video: 10 Tips to Increase Profits and Sales for Your Business | Brian Tracy 2024, July

Profit of any company is very simple to calculate - subtracting expenses from income. There are two standard ways to increase profits: increase revenues and reduce costs. However, everything goes smoothly only on paper. What specific steps need to be taken to increase profits?


Instruction manual


Develop a strategy that takes into account all the promising directions in the development of your company, its current place in the market and the importance of marketing moves for profit growth.


Raise the prices of products or services of your company. Be sure to coordinate your decision with regular partners and clients of your organization. Conduct an advertising campaign aimed at increasing the buyer's interest in your products and services. If the campaign is carried out correctly, it is likely that even in the face of higher prices, your profit will increase, even if sales volumes do not increase significantly.


Optimize production so that the cost of the final product is reduced. To do this, conclude agreements with new suppliers of raw materials or wholesalers, focusing on a lower price level, re-equip the enterprise, introduce new methods of production, conduct certification of employees in order to identify the level of professional suitability. If necessary, fire employees who do not meet the required level. Coordinate your actions in relation to employees with labor inspection (including unscheduled certification).


Study the prospects of your region or other city from the point of view of the feasibility of opening a branch of your enterprise. Open a branch of your company in another region or city. Conduct an advertising campaign in this city, but set dumping prices for the first period in order to interest a new consumer audience.


Conclude agreements with commercial or industrial enterprises interested in your products. Optimize your product sales so that you reduce the time between delivering products and generating sales revenue.


If all these ways to increase profit cannot be used at the same time, by rational selection, select the most suitable ones for your company.
