
How to create a business magazine

How to create a business magazine

Video: HOW TO CREATE A MAGAZINE FOR FREE | Lauren Taylor 2024, July

Video: HOW TO CREATE A MAGAZINE FOR FREE | Lauren Taylor 2024, July

Today there are a lot of different periodicals. Because of what, the modern reader is very picky and picky when choosing a source of information. Therefore, it is necessary to find your own, special approach to it in order to be interesting and stay afloat. Especially if you decide to publish a business magazine.


Instruction manual


Do not create a magazine about everything. Choose one or more business lines. What is closer to you. For example, retail, hotels or restaurants, outdoor advertising, etc. It is also worth paying attention to whether there is already a magazine with the same subject in the publishing market. Can you compete with him?


Then decide on the audience - who will read your magazine? It is also best to target a narrow group of specialists. For example, owners of retail outlets of the "near the house" format, managers and managers of hotels and restaurants, sales managers of advertising agencies, etc.


Next, you need to make a technical description of the magazine. Format, volume, circulation, frequency of release, quality and density of paper, etc.


An important detail of the work of the editorial office is a creative group, the hands of which will create your publication. The ideal option is to invite editors and journalists specializing in the topics of your magazine. Browse local newspapers. Perhaps there you will find articles on a topic of interest to you, contact the authors, offer cooperation.


It is not necessary that all editorial staff be on staff. For example, if you have planned a monthly issue of the magazine, a creative team of 3-4 people and outside authors who can provide you with materials on the necessary topics are enough.


Do research among your magazine’s potential audience. What questions she is interested in, what information she would like to receive, what problems she faces in her work. Based on this study, make a list of topics and headings that you will cover on the pages of the journal.


Afterwards, carry out such monitoring regularly. Such a relationship with the reader will make the content of the magazine more interesting and useful for your audience.


Consider the distribution channels of the publication. And it is better if there are several of them. For example, organize a magazine subscription through post offices and through the editorial office. Start selling the publication through newsstands, periodical departments in large supermarkets or shopping centers.

Useful advice

You may have to give out the first one or two issues of the magazine for free, so that your readers can get to know you. Consider this point when making an estimate of costs.

Do not forget to register your print publication with government agencies.
