
How to create a questionnaire for a buyer

How to create a questionnaire for a buyer

Video: How to develop and design questionnaire for research? 2024, July

Video: How to develop and design questionnaire for research? 2024, July

It is very important to consider the opinion of the buyer when developing a marketing strategy for the store. What categories of citizens more often come for goods? How old are they, what is their social status? All this can be found out by compiling a customer profile.


Instruction manual


Just filling out the form is unlikely that anyone will agree. Therefore, it is worth planning a promotion with a prize draw or discounts on purchases. Regular customers will definitely take part in it. To do this, they will have to fill out a questionnaire, in which you need to enter all the questions of interest.


The first item is the surname, name, patronymic. A person is always pleased when he is addressed by name. For marketing research, this data is not very important. Of course, if it is not planned to calculate how many Ivanovs and Sidorovs come to the store.


Buyer gender. This is an important aspect. Knowing who comes to the store more, men or women, is important when planning an advertising campaign. If the goal is to attract new customers, it is worth orienting the advertisement to people of that gender who make fewer purchases. And when it is necessary to maintain and expand an existing audience, the campaign is sent to the predominant gender.


Age. This column also serves as a help to the marketer when planning an advertising campaign. The best age of the buyer is considered to be 30-50 years. Attracting these people is worth paying close attention to.


Social status of the buyer. This indicator can be identified by asking the question: "How much do you spend on average buying in a store?" In addition to this, you need to ask: "How often do you visit our store?". This will make it possible to understand how well-to-do buyers usually go to the shopping pavilion.


A very important point is: "Wishes and suggestions" or "What would you like to change?". So you can get feedback from the buyer. And the control department will be aware of what violations are present in the store, and will be able to eliminate them in time.


Contact Information - Email or Phone. In the event that the prize draw is held closed, this data is needed to notify the winners. You can also send information about discounts, sales and other events interesting to the buyer by e-mail or mobile phone.


Conducting a survey of buyers of a hypermarket chain in St. Petersburg. The final questionnaire for the survey is formed on the basis of the format and objectives of the study, supplemented by questions and blocks that are important for the study. The marketing agency Life-Marketing provides services for conducting consumer surveys and studying consumer demand.

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