Business management

How to make a corporate identity

How to make a corporate identity

Video: 7 steps to creating a brand identity 2024, July

Video: 7 steps to creating a brand identity 2024, July

Corporate identity is the face of the company. The company becomes recognizable thanks not only to the product or service provided, but also due to the color scheme, logo or slogan. And this point in business development should be given special attention.


You will need

Formulated mission of your company.

Instruction manual


Determine what idea your company style will bring. In resolving this issue, it is worth starting from the philosophy or mission of the company, which is usually laid when creating the enterprise. And success and recognition will appear when the new corporate identity is fully consistent with the essence, character and values ​​of the company.


Choose a color scheme that will be used in advertising products made in the same corporate identity. Here you can also take into account the nature of your company. For example, if you work in the agricultural sector, then it is quite appropriate to use bright shades. But for employees of the banking sector or large industrial enterprises, bright irritating colors are unlikely to fit, it is better to adhere to a strict range. It is also worth consulting with professionals in the field of advertising, since there are colors that can positively affect the loyalty of potential customers.


Think of a slogan or motto of your company that will also reflect the mission or ideology of the company. Doing this is optional, but will be useful. Moreover, it is with words that it is much easier to express what you carry to this world than with a logo or a certain palette. Together, these things will be powerful advertising weapons.


Be careful and attentive at all stages of the work, because unlike the usual advertising module, which can be redone the next time the magazine is released, changing the corporate identity after it is published will not be entirely appropriate.


When everything is ready, the logo is developed, the slogan is thought up, the color scale is chosen, start the created corporate identity in work. Advertising modules in newspapers, business cards of your employees, company website and other advertising materials must be carried out in full accordance with the implemented idea of ​​style.

  • Form style
  • corporate identity as
