Business Communication and Ethics

How to make a contract in 2017

How to make a contract in 2017

Video: 2017 Army Contracts Hot Topic - Panel 1 - Creating Adaptive Source Selection Solutions 2024, July

Video: 2017 Army Contracts Hot Topic - Panel 1 - Creating Adaptive Source Selection Solutions 2024, July

For the preparation and conclusion of an important contract, of course, it is worth contacting a law firm or at least a familiar lawyer, thanks to which the contract will become not only competent, but also beneficial for you. However, it is not always possible to involve lawyers. Each one can draw up a simple contract provided that several rules are followed.


You will need

It is important to keep on hand the current edition of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which contains general provisions on contracts and norms applicable to different types of contracts.

Instruction manual


The easiest way is to download ready-made templates for the necessary contract from the Internet. Typically, the network offers a fairly large number of samples of the same contract available for download. However, not all of these samples are well prepared, in addition, it is not at all necessary that they will contain exactly those conditions that are important to you. If you chose this path, then you should download at least a few templates and compose from them what suits you.


A much better option is to make a contract yourself. To do this, you will need the Civil Code (not all, of course, but only sections regarding general provisions and agreements and specific provisions about the agreement that interests you). It is his norms that will help determine the essential terms of the contract, i.e. those conditions without which the contract cannot be considered concluded. Such an agreement can easily be declared null and void in court, in which case everything received on it will have to be returned.


Essential are those conditions that are recognized as such by law, i.e. it must be directly stated in the law that for this type of contract it is required to agree on these conditions. An essential condition for any contract is its subject - that which the parties agree on. With other conditions it will be a little more difficult, as they are rarely specified in the law clearly. But they can be recognized using simple logic. Essential conditions should express the essence of the contract; without them, the contract does not make sense. For example, for a contract of sale, the essential conditions are the product itself (its name) and its quantity.

Paying attention to essential conditions is also worthwhile when drawing up a contract using templates, since template compilers do not always know the essential conditions of certain contracts.


Some contracts require not a simple written, but a written notarial form for their conclusion. This is, for example, a lease of real estate for a period of more than one year. Also in the contract itself, you can establish the need for its notarization.


Contracts between individuals must be signed by these persons, and contracts between legal entities are signed by persons having the right to sign and sealed with the seal of the legal entity.

Useful advice

Always make sure that the revision of the Civil Code and other laws that you can use to conclude a contract is current.

If you use the templates of contracts, carefully read them, not missing even such "secondary" items, such as force majeure. Sometimes difficulties arise because it seems harmless at first glance.

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