
How to promote a brand

How to promote a brand

Video: 7 Ways To Increase Brand Awareness and Build Your Business 2024, July

Video: 7 Ways To Increase Brand Awareness and Build Your Business 2024, July

A bright and well-recognized brand invariably attracts customers. When promoting a product on the market, its manufacturer or distributor always thinks about how to quickly make a brand recognizable in a short time and at low cost.


Instruction manual


Before you promote a brand, you need to create it. It is the stage of creating a brand that lays the conditions for its subsequent successful promotion. Start by choosing a name, it should sound beautiful and be well remembered. The combination of sounds should evoke positive emotions. Do not choose a brand name that is too long or unpronounceable.


Be sure to register your trademark. If you plan to have your own online resource dedicated to your product, do not forget to register a domain name. It is very easy to do this via the Internet. So, the cost of registering a domain in the ru zone does not exceed several hundred rubles.


Come up with a bright sounding slogan for the brand. This is important, because a beautiful catchy slogan stimulates people to buy the appropriate product. When creating a slogan, focus on the target audience for which it is intended, this will significantly increase its effectiveness. The last step in branding is to create a logo. It should look beautiful and be understood by the target audience.


After the described work, you have created the foundation for the successful promotion of the brand. Now you need to begin to competently promote your product on the market. A lot here depends on the type of product, but the general principles of work do not change. There are two main ways to promote a brand: through advertising and PR. These are two different methods that work for a common goal - to capture as much of the market as possible.


Recognize the difference in methods. Using advertising, you praise your product, describe its merits, convince the buyer that the purchase of this product is the most appropriate choice. At the same time, your brand’s advertising does not allow criticism of someone else’s at the same time - buyers do not like this very much. A rule applies to an advertising campaign: the more massive it is, the better. It is necessary to convey to the potential buyer information about your product from the pages of newspapers, from television screens, via radio broadcasts. In the case of PR, everything happens differently.


Promoting a brand with PR, you play on people's interest in rumors, scandals, secrets. For example, you are making some kind of electronic device. Let a rumor go through the press that your laboratory was hacked and unknown intruders tried to steal a prototype of your product. It does not matter that this was not really the case - the essence of PR is not in the truth, but in attracting interest. Based on what kind of product you are going to promote on the market, come up with options for attracting the interest of potential buyers to it. It is important that you talk about your product, argue that it is heard. At the same time, one should not strive for hype - let them not talk so much about it, but constantly.


Re-evaluate the difference in methods: advertising is obsessive and noisy, trying to penetrate the consumer’s consciousness through possible loopholes. PR exploits a person’s natural interest in everything scandalous, mysterious, interesting. If advertising sometimes acts repulsively, then PR, on the contrary, allows you to very subtly and unobtrusively bring information about the product you need into the minds of consumers. Having appreciated all the pros and cons of these two methods, you can choose the most suitable option for you and work out its details in detail.
