
How to sell a product or service

How to sell a product or service

Video: How To Sell | The 4 Rules Of Selling A Product Or Service 2024, July

Video: How To Sell | The 4 Rules Of Selling A Product Or Service 2024, July

You have created an excellent service for consumers or an indispensable product. Naturally, the measure of your success is sales. Are sales of goods different from sales of services or are there uniform schemes?


Instruction manual


Product If we need a specific product, we imagine it quite clearly. Its shape, texture and color, size, style and design. We can measure the space for goods from the category "furniture" or try face cream, thanks to the sampler in the magazine, to evaluate its properties. We can turn to a tasting promo stand in the store and try the advertised food product in order to personally verify its taste and quality. In a word, the main property of goods is their tangibility, the ability to try on and evaluate a product before purchasing it. The buyer’s concentration of fear of an unsuccessful purchase is not great and can be easily removed, just offer to try on or try your product.


ServiceSelling services is somewhat more difficult than the product, but it is more interesting. By purchasing the service, we kind of get the promise that those whom we trust will fulfill the task on time and with high quality. It is difficult to trust strangers, and even pay for their promises. The main property of a service, as opposed to a product is its intangibility, not the ability to properly assess the quality before purchase. The customer’s fear of a failed purchase is high, but it can be overcome, or at least reduced. That is what your efforts to sell services should be directed to.


How to sell In order to sell a product, you need to convince potential buyers of its quality. You can hang out many sizes of clothes so that everyone can try on them or arrange their fitting according to the figure in place. To conduct a tasting of cosmetics, you should arrange a "Day of Beauty" and make-up with the help of your cosmetics to everyone, so that they are convinced of the quality of your products.

When selling a service, the most important thing you should focus on is making the service as tangible as possible. Offer a free test drive or do a short trial. Record a video of how your service solved similar problems of another client. Invite a potential buyer "backstage", show in detail and tell what you are doing in order to efficiently and on time to cope with the task, what materials and equipment you use.


Additional value and additional services The additional value of a product may be the prestige of its brand or packaging suitable for recycling. For example, a beautiful iron candy box that can be used as a casket. When selling a service, an additional value is a guarantee or post-warranty service, the provision of additional services that gives the client even more comfort.

