Business management

How to increase management efficiency

How to increase management efficiency

Video: How to Improve Your Team's Efficiency - Project Management Training 2024, July

Video: How to Improve Your Team's Efficiency - Project Management Training 2024, July

You can improve business management by reviewing key business processes. In some cases, auditors are invited to do this, who will conduct a production, economic and staff audit. Sometimes they resort to the services of an anti-crisis manager.


You will need

  • - Business plan;

  • - Marketing plan;

  • - The results of audits.

Instruction manual


Carry out an audit, analyze the latest reporting, compare the data received. If the actual balance of the goods or cash is less than the book balance - there is a shortage in your business. This is one of the most common reasons why it becomes necessary to resort to external management. (In this case, it doesn’t matter if we are talking about audits or inviting an external crisis manager.) Another frequent reason is the budget deficit. When you plan it for the next quarter and understand that expenses will prevail over income, the question of an external manager also arises. But the decision to increase management efficiency does not necessarily indicate that the company's affairs are deplorable. In some cases, owners simply feel that the company has unrealized potential.


Invite auditors. In the modern business environment, audit is closely associated with the financial statements and the economic situation in the enterprise. However, it can be associated with absolutely any compound business. So, if you produce any product, you will need a production audit. And absolutely for sure - staff audit. It is possible to increase management efficiency not only by increasing profits, but also by cutting costs. And without a thorough scrupulously conducted verification, this is almost impossible to do.


Make a marketing plan. If it was made earlier - reconsider. In this case, your task is to find hidden reserves. Most likely, you have the opportunity to occupy an adjacent niche or reposition the brand to an additional target group. A separate item in the marketing plan should be a campaign to promote a product or service on the market. After the results of the audits have identified the problem areas and you have made efforts to resolve the difficulties, it's time to think about increasing sales. And without consumer awareness (PR is responsible for it), and without encouraging them to purchase (this is the "estate" of advertising), it is extremely difficult to find additional sales.


Combine the results of the revision of the staffing table and motivational patterns of personnel, ways to optimize production, reduce costs associated with changes in business processes, increase demand for the target group and a modernized sales plan. No doubt you will enjoy the result.

how to improve business performance
