
How to build a railway

How to build a railway

Video: WoW! World Amazing Modern Railway Construction Machine Compilation. Railway track laying machine 2024, July

Video: WoW! World Amazing Modern Railway Construction Machine Compilation. Railway track laying machine 2024, July

The railway is a very important component in the country's transport system. Huge passenger traffic and the main domestic cargo passes on rails. There is no need to doubt her need. But how to build a railway?


Instruction manual


Determine what type of railway you will build: the main one, which connects the stations or points, the station where the cars are sorted, receiving and sending trains, connecting, etc., or a special-purpose track - a safety and deadlock trap for stopping the train in unforeseen situations.


Choose the type of railway: single-lane, multi-lane or looped.


Perform an analysis of the terrain: topographic surveys, geodetic exploration and geological engineering. Develop different options for passing paths.


Prepare the foundation for laying the railroad tracks. Build a subgrade that consists of very tightly packed embankments that are well-fortified for minimal exposure to external factors. Consider the places where the various pipes pass.


Make a ballast layer on which the rails and sleepers will be located. Pour sand and gravel on the subgrade, which will play the role of a pillow, and pour crushed stone from it on it.


Position the special transverse plates to which the rails will be attached. To them add sleepers, which will play a major role in fastening the rail in the absence of special plates. Lay the sleepers on the ballast layer. Thus, the rails will be integral, with minor transitions at the joints. Also, the sleepers will take over the pressure of the rail and transfer it to the ballast layer. Please note that the number of sleepers laid per kilometer depends on the workload of the railway and its curvature.


Place the rails on top of the sleepers and be sure to attach the rail fasteners - the most important element in the construction of the railway.


Build turnouts on multi-lane paths.

build a railway
