
How to get permission from fire authorities

How to get permission from fire authorities

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Ensuring fire safety at the enterprise is one of the main tasks in the production activities of the head and employees of the company. Fire prevention measures at the enterprise are regulated by the current legislation, and permission is obtained from the fire supervision authorities.


You will need

- normative documents on fire safety.

Instruction manual


Learn fire safety requirements. Carry out fire-fighting measures in accordance with applicable law. Collect fire safety rules for this. Take advantage of regulatory documents, specialized websites on the Internet, the help of private experts, or a state fire control representative.


Consult on fire safety issues before signing a lease or repair and construction work. This will save money and time on the conversion, which may be required after a fire examination.


Order an examination of the fire condition of the premises of the enterprise. The examination is carried out by inspectors of the state fire supervision or a private expert company with a special license. You can find out information about the conditions of the examination from the administrator of the permitting office of the district council or from the fire department at the place of registration of the enterprise.


Write a statement to the fire safety authority for the examination. The expert will fix the date and time of the fire inspection of the enterprise. The examination is carried out in the presence of the head or person responsible for fire safety of the enterprise.


Submit a package of documents to the fire department to obtain permission. Write an application for a permit, prepare an opinion on the examination of the fire condition of the enterprise, make a copy of the lease.


Make sure that the submitted documents to the fire department were recorded in a special journal with the date of filing. The fire department will decide on the issue of a permit within five business days. When starting a new business, introducing new technologies, using new fire hazardous equipment in production, changing a leased space, it is necessary to go through the procedure for obtaining permission from the fire control authorities again.

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