
How to get permission to sign

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How to get permission to sign

Video: Windows 7/8/10 - “You Do Not Have Permission To Access” Error Fix 2024, July

Video: Windows 7/8/10 - “You Do Not Have Permission To Access” Error Fix 2024, July

Have you decided to open a store and want to know about it right away? Or your organization has been working for a long time, but you didn’t get your hands on a sign? Keep in mind - to place a sign, like any other advertising structures, permission is required.


From the point of view of the law, a sign is any external object on a wall or facade of a house, flat or three-dimensional, with information about your company. It’s completely unprincipled whether it glows or is painted with paint on a board, made of recyclable materials or sparkles with fresh polished metal - in any case, you will have to get permission to place it, since this is an outdoor advertising tool.

Documents for registering a sign

You will need to provide the local administration with a whole package of documents for permission to place the sign.

Firstly, you will need to confirm the ownership of the property if the house belongs to you. Prepare a notarized copy of the certificate of ownership. If the building does not belong to you, but you have officially concluded a lease for the premises of your organization, you will need a copy of this agreement with your seal.

Secondly, you will need to demonstrate the layout or design project of the sign itself - how it will be located on the facade of the house, the installation of what structures will be required for its installation and what will be its final appearance. The project must be completed in color and provided with the certification of the owner of the premises or the entire building on which the sign will be placed, and the seal of the host organization, in four copies.

If the sign has already been made and you are legalizing it post-factum, you will need color photographs of the installed sign in duplicate. If you first decided to prepare all the documents and only then deal with the installation, then you will need to provide photos as an installation report.

And one more important point - if your signboard uses a company logo or trademark, you have to confirm your rights to use it. As such confirmation, a certificate of registration or a signed use agreement is suitable.
