
How to apply for registration of a legal entity

How to apply for registration of a legal entity

Video: Company Registration Process Step by Step Guide | अपनी Company खुद Register करवाए 12 min में 2024, July

Video: Company Registration Process Step by Step Guide | अपनी Company खुद Register करवाए 12 min में 2024, July

Preparing documents for creating a company is one of the most difficult tasks when registering a legal entity. But, unfortunately, the difficulties of future businessmen do not end there. The founders of the company will have to submit documents for registration of a legal entity. This must be done in accordance with the letter of the law.


Instruction manual


It should be noted that after preparing the documents, the founders of the company no longer need to pay the authorized capital for state registration. In accordance with the new rules (from 05/05/2014), the registered capital must be paid by business owners within 4 months after registration of the legal entity.


An application for registration of a company must be certified by a notary public. But, if the founders themselves submit documents to the tax or MFC and they have a passport with them, then the statement does not need to be certified by a notary. In addition, without resorting to the services of a notary public, you can submit documents in electronic form. In this case, the applicant must have an enhanced qualified signature.


The business owners themselves or their representatives by proxy can provide registration documents. In the latter case, you will have to resort to the services of a notary to assure a power of attorney. Either the original notarized power of attorney or a notarized copy can be attached to the documents. It should be noted that all the founders of the company will have to contact the tax authority if they do not want to trust representatives to this responsible business.
