
How to open a video studio

How to open a video studio

Video: Starting A Video Production Company - The ONE Thing You Need Know!! 2024, July

Video: Starting A Video Production Company - The ONE Thing You Need Know!! 2024, July

Any business becomes successful when it promotes unique and high-quality services, is well advertised, and is aimed at customers with different income levels. And most importantly, the manager in it is a real professional.


You will need

  • - equipment;

  • - resources for advertising;

  • - the Internet.

Instruction manual


Think about whether you are ready for a wave of competition that will flood you as soon as you announce such a desire. In this case, you need to consider that there are not only many competitors, but, as a rule, they are good professionals. In addition, low-cost technologies today allow anyone to engage in video filming and editing at home, without the help of professionals. All this must be taken into account not to be frightened and forget about your desire. This must be understood in order to become the best and most exclusive among competitors.


Analyze the market situation for such services. Visit the sites of the most famous video studios in your city. Pay attention to what they bet in their business? For quality, expensive equipment, originality of material supply, attractive discounts? What kind of services does the studio provide, shooting events, editing archived videos, digitizing video? Your task is to find a segment of services that is scarce.


See how the sites of these companies are designed, which of them attract attention, which are not, and why. Perform an analysis. You will need all this if you decide to launch your own site. To get started, prepare a portfolio. You may have to complete the first two or three orders for free, or for mutual services. Next, create a site. The Internet is one of the most effective resources for finding customers.


Place announcements about the opening of your studio on specialized forums, sites, social networks, etc. Do not forget to constantly update ads, talk about discounts, promotions that can attract people no less than a decent portfolio. For example, you can add a free photo shoot for the bride and groom to the film about the wedding. Which couple will refuse such a gift?


Do not rush to immediately rent a room for your studio. The convenience of this production is that it can be based right in your home. You should only worry about registering your business. It is best to register an IP. Renting a room for a video studio is worth it if you plan to launch some kind of large-scale production and you already have all the necessary equipment for this (mounting computers, video cameras, lighting equipment).


Keep a competent pricing policy. It is in your interests not to underestimate the cost of your work, and too high prices can scare away people with an average income. So come up with all kinds of promotions. So that potential customers see that you have pleasant discounts along with expensive services.

Useful advice

Constantly improve your professional level. Or make sure that the best professionals in the city work in your studio.
