
How to open your stall

How to open your stall

Video: How to Start a Roadside Food Stall Business | Including Free Roadside Food Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start a Roadside Food Stall Business | Including Free Roadside Food Business Plan Template 2024, July

Small retail trade in goods in high demand is a business for the "start" which does not require large financial investments. If you want to open a stall on a city street, it would be much more difficult to cope with the problems facing the owner of the kiosk afterwards. Here is the algorithm for creating a outlet, the same for almost all regions of the country.


You will need

  • 1. Certificate of registration of IP

  • 2. A package of permits

  • 3. Registered cash register

  • 4. "Box" kiosk

  • 5. Trading equipment

  • 6. Replacement seller

Instruction manual


Register as an individual entrepreneur - all kiosk owners have this legal form allowing the use of a simplified taxation system. Obtain permission from your local administration (city or rural) to establish a retail kiosk. The second permission must be obtained from the local department of architecture and urban planning, and then coordinate it with the trade department.


Get a “box” of a kiosk and install it, observing the terms and location specified in the permit documentation. Already upon installation, Rospotrebnadzor and the Fire Inspection should also give you their "good".


Get the trading equipment necessary for the functioning of your point of sale. Typically, to equip a "stall" you need a refrigerated display case (if it is not a tobacco kiosk), shelving for goods, scales and a cash register.


Determine the mode of operation of your "stall", find the seller in the kiosk (if you do not intend to work in it yourself all the time). Form the initial assortment of goods, which you can subsequently vary as you like depending on the demand and behavior of suppliers.

Useful advice

Try not to forget that all documents on the right to maintain a trade kiosk should be reissued once a year - untimely completion of this procedure can create a lot of unnecessary trouble.

It is advisable to organize a round-the-clock work of the "stall" if it is located in a busy place where life does not stop even in the dark - on the main streets and squares full of "night" entertainment.

  • Brief business plan kiosk.
  • how to install a stall
