
How to open a wedding store

How to open a wedding store

Video: Bridal Shop Owner's Journey to Starting a Bridal Store 2024, July

Video: Bridal Shop Owner's Journey to Starting a Bridal Store 2024, July

A wedding store is at the same time a wedding dress salon, an accessory store, and a place where you can choose a photographer or presenter for your wedding. An all-in-one store can solve many pre-wedding problems. To open it, you will need a room, goods, agreements with suppliers and contractors, registration, staff and an advertising campaign.


Instruction manual


To open a store, you need to register and get the necessary permissions from government agencies (SES, firefighters). Such a store can be opened by an individual entrepreneur registered with the tax office at the place of registration.


Wedding is one of the main events of life for many people. Therefore, brides spend a huge amount of time choosing dresses, accessories, a photographer, a presenter, a DJ, etc. Opening a store where you can purchase everything you need and order a range of services is a successful business idea. For such a store you will need to rent a rather large room (70-80 sq.m), preferably not far from the center and within walking distance from metro stations. The main condition for the room is good lighting. In an insufficiently lit room, dresses will look bad on trying on brides. You must immediately remove a well-lit room, or install the lighting yourself.


Any wedding is not a cheap event. However, there are modest weddings, and there are very luxurious. They need different products, as well as an advertising campaign, store promotion style. Decide what niche the store will occupy and start looking for suitable suppliers. This can be done over the internet.


Through the Internet, you can contact leading weddings and photographers to conclude a mutually beneficial contract with them. For a certain amount, you will offer their services in your store. Arrange for presenters and photographers to provide their portfolio, which you will show to customers.


Salespeople is the visiting card of your store. They should be able not only to sell well, but also to be a little stylists, since it is not easy to choose a dress, suit and accessories. It is important that sellers are polite and patient with all brides and their relatives.


A bridal shop needs advertising and promotion. The best tool for this is the site, because on the site you can demonstrate your assortment. The site can be promoted through communities on social networks, women's forums. Those who have enough money can use other advertising methods (posters, media, etc.).
