
How to open a fish shop

How to open a fish shop

Video: The Truth Behind Opening a Fish Store 2024, July

Video: The Truth Behind Opening a Fish Store 2024, July

Opening a fish store can bring a good income. Fish and seafood are always in demand among buyers. But, you will need to draw up more documents than, say, when opening a shoe store.


Instruction manual


Find a room for your store. Nearby there should be a storage room - a refrigerator and a freezer for storing fish products.


Consider how you will deliver goods from suppliers. You may need a refrigerated truck. If the supplier’s warehouse is not far away, a small truck with an awning will be enough.


Take care of paperwork. To open a fish store, you will need a san epidemic conclusion. It is drawn up by specialists of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare. You will also need a sanitary control program. After all the checks, Rospotrebnadzor will issue you permission to place the store.


Execute and register other sanitary and epidemiological documentation: an agreement on garbage collection, an agreement on the disposal of mercury lamps, an agreement on the systematic cleaning and disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation systems, an agreement on laundry and dry cleaning services for washing uniforms of store personnel, and an agreement on pest control, disinfestation and disinfection of rooms and vehicles.


Develop regulatory documents for your store.


Make sure sellers have health books.


Give your store an interesting name. Original design of a trading floor and counters. Do not forget about advertising.

Useful advice

Help with paperwork can be provided by specialized law firms.
