
How to order shipping

How to order shipping

Currently, one of the most popular services among the population is cargo transportation. This service is provided by many transport companies, which should be entrusted with the delivery. When ordering this service, you must choose the best delivery method and pay attention to some of the nuances of the contract.


Instruction manual


Transport companies involved in freight transportation can use different types of transport for this: air, rail, sea or road. If the cargo needs to be delivered within the country, rail or road transport will be the best choice, most companies offer the delivery of goods by these means of transport - one of the cheapest transportation methods. Therefore, if you need to deliver the goods around the city, outside the city, to another region of the country, you should contact the transport company, which has its own car fleet and established relations with Russian Railways, the monopoly on freight transportation in Russia.


You should contact several companies operating in your region at once. Prior to placing an order, ask the operator to calculate the cost of delivery. The cost of your order will depend on such parameters as the type of transport used, the distance to the place, the selected package of services: insurance, safe custody, loading and unloading by loaders, door-to-door delivery. Choose the company whose services will cost you less or will be the most optimal in terms of package composition. So that in case of disputes or damage to the cargo, you can go to court and reasonably prove your case, you must conclude an official agreement with this company for the delivery of your cargo.


If your order is not urgent, it is advisable to carry as part of groupage cargoes when several orders are sent in one vehicle after its cargo compartment is fully filled. Such an order will cost you less than renting a whole truck. When sending a groupage cargo, make sure that the container in which you will transport it is as rigid as possible when other heavy boxes can be loaded on it.


Carefully read the text of the contract before signing it, pay special attention to the text written in small print. Read the sections that stipulate the carrier’s responsibility and the sender’s duties, clarify disputed issues and discuss with the representative of the transport company immediately. Check that all the services that you paid are listed in the text of the contract and included in the obligations of the carrier.

Useful advice

Check that the actual weight of the shipped cargo matches the one that will be indicated in the contract and in the payment receipt.
