
How to make beer

How to make beer

Video: How To Brew Your First Homemade Beer 2024, July

Video: How To Brew Your First Homemade Beer 2024, July

Now in supermarkets you can find different types of beer, of different strengths and with different tastes. But in the old days beer was brewed on their own. Is it possible today to make beer yourself and what is needed for this?


You will need

  • - soft purified water;

  • - hops;

  • - malt;

  • - yeast;

  • - sugar;

  • - soda.

Instruction manual


The main components for making beer are water, hops and malt. All of them should be of high quality - then only the taste of your beer will turn out natural and soft.


First prepare the water. To make it softer, boil the well for at least half an hour, while constantly removing the resulting foam. You can also use spring water. Just take from a spring that does not freeze for the winter. To check the softness of the water, dissolve a little soap in a separate bowl. In soft water, the soapy solution will turn out to be very plentiful and will foam well.


Harvest hop cones. Choose those that are larger, dark yellow. They must have a spicy pungent odor. Pound the bump with your fingers - if there is flour - lupulin, then this hop is of high quality.


Prepare malt in advance. The best time for this is spring or fall. Malt is made from sprouted grain. Use barley for its preparation. Grains choose large, light yellow, the same ripeness, heavy and hard. Fill half of the wooden tub with water. After a few days, soak the grain in it. Pour it gradually, constantly mixing. Water should be 25 cm above the grain. Let stand a little. Remove popped grass seeds, unripe and damaged grains. Change the water every 12 hours for 3-5 days. Water should become transparent, and the grain should swell well.


Then spread the grain on a flat surface, let it germinate. Do not forget to mix it. When the grain sprouts, grind it on a coffee grinder.


Now take 800 grams of hops, pour 2.5 liters of boiling water, add 800 grams of malt, 100 grams of yeast, previously diluted with two glasses of warm water, 400 grams of sugar. Allow two days to stand. After that, add 2 kg of crushed sweet crackers, fill with 18 liters of prepared boiled water and pour into pots. Cover and place in a warm place for another 3 days. Then cool the mixture and drain the infusion. In the remainder add 4 tbsp. tablespoons of soda, 3 liters of water and again let it brew for a day in the heat. Drain the infusion. Filter and bottle everything. Cork and let stand for two weeks in a cold place.
