
How to ensure a success situation

How to ensure a success situation

Video: The secret to giving great feedback | The Way We Work, a TED series 2024, July

Video: The secret to giving great feedback | The Way We Work, a TED series 2024, July

The stories of successful people suggest that in such circumstances, other people would also succeed. But favorable circumstances may not be ready. In order not to miss the chance, the situation of success must be expected and planned.


Instruction manual


Go towards the goal. Some people fuss, switch from one to another. Such a life is reminiscent of an athlete who has been playing basketball for a week, has been trying swimming for a month, and then plays chess. A person is engaged daily, but does not fall into any serious team. The prospects are foggy. It is difficult for such people to formulate, by what signs they learn that they have achieved the goal. And the goal is difficult to describe. Focus on one thing.


Make a plan. It resembles a staircase leading to a goal. Even if you are on the bottom rung, every effort brings success. To develop a plan, you need the help of a mentor. Look for it among people who have achieved much more than you now desire. But just know what you want, otherwise the mentor will not help.


Control the risks. When the plan is drawn up, find the critical points in it on which success depends. The risk is a violation of some conditions for moving forward. Control the intermediate indicators so that the plan does not collapse. It looks like a railing by the stairs. If you remove them somewhere, you can not resist and fly off the route. Therefore, back up your files, leave your home half an hour earlier, think about how to protect yourself in the face of unfavorable circumstances, and consider the risks.


Keep fit. The athlete does not prepare for the competition in 1 day. He does not allow himself to relax and miss a workout. He does not eat forbidden food just because there is still a whole week before the tournament. Learn daily, avoid laziness. Every day is important, step and effort.


Act to execute the plan. On the way there will be fears, doubts. It is important not to stop acting when the hot sun is shining and the cold rain is pouring. You do not know in what weather it is necessary to enter the pedestal. The winner is not important. Move from one stage to another as if each of them is the last one, behind which there is a goal.

Useful advice

It is difficult to achieve success in an unloved affair, and such success will not bring joy. Spend time figuring out a natural gift before setting a goal.
