
How to open a household cleaning point

How to open a household cleaning point

Video: English Vocabulary: House Cleaning 2024, July

Video: English Vocabulary: House Cleaning 2024, July

Your business is a rather complicated occupation. It is necessary to consider many different details and nuances. However, it always warms the soul that you have to work for yourself. So that your company brings not only joy, but also profit, choose one of the most popular areas. For example, open a household chemistry store.


Instruction manual


To open your household chemistry store, it will be enough for you to arrange an individual entrepreneurship (IP). After you receive all the documents confirming that you are now a legally private entrepreneur, you can start organizing your business.


First of all, select a room. It is not necessary to search the outskirts of the city. A retail outlet selling household chemicals may well be located in the center. The store room should be quite spacious and, most importantly, well-ventilated. Distribute the workspace so that you can place the product in groups. For example, detergents in one corner, for cleaning - in another, for washing dishes - in the third. The size of the sales area should be at least 12-15 sq.m. There must also be a storage room of 10 meters.


Buy equipment. As a rule, special racks are used for stores of this kind. Arrange them so that any buyer can immediately see the compartment that he needs. Be sure to ensure that there is no mess on the shelves. Periodically adjust powder bags and disinfectant bottles.


Calculate exactly how much household chemicals you want to purchase from your suppliers for sale. Experts have calculated the approximate minimum of such a store. So, for example, you need to have at least 10 different types of washing powder in 3 price categories. Shampoos should be an order of magnitude higher - 30 types. As for soap, it is determined that the optimal quantity is 30 different types in two price categories. However, do not take these calculations as an axiom. The quantity of goods may vary in one direction or another. You can see these fluctuations only 2-3 months after the opening of the store.


Highlight a seasonal area in your store. For example, goods for any holiday or event - candles, souvenirs, jewelry, cosmetics in a certain thematic package, etc.


Do not forget to organize a payment zone for purchases. Get a cash register.


It is very important to select qualified personnel. Only three employees will be enough for you - two sellers and an accountant.


Take care of your advertising company. You can hang a banner near the store, put a pillar or put a person to hand out your flyers near stores and public transport.

Useful advice

To quickly recoup the costs associated with opening a store, set for the first time a margin on the product of only 10%. Please note that large network outlets charge about 25% on this category of products.

how to open a household chemistry store
