
How to open a joke store

How to open a joke store

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A small store selling “cool” products can be opened to anyone who has long wanted to try himself as an entrepreneur, but did not have enough starting funds. This undertaking, even with its complete failure, will not require large material costs, nor will it require much experience in business and commerce.


You will need

  • - a room (or part thereof) of an area of ​​10 square meters or more;

  • - assortment range from 100 items or more.

Instruction manual


Find a small area for rent - on the ground floor of the building with access to the street, in a shopping center or in any large department store. Your "cool product" will take up quite a bit of space, and the whole assortment can really be represented on ten square meters. There are two circumstances to consider when choosing a place - the most affordable rental price and the lack of direct competitors nearby, since the demand for jokes and jokes is still quite limited.


Contact the suppliers of products suitable for displaying them in the joke store and order the first batch of goods. The margin in such trade is more important than turnover, so try to buy the cheapest products manufactured in Southeast Asia, otherwise you will never overcome the threshold of profitability. The assortment range of the fun store starts from 100 items and reaches several hundred positions, so the more convenient suppliers you find, the better.


Come up with an effective way to display and showcase products in your store. There is no need to talk about any design design of a retail outlet that occupies only the corner of another store, so it is necessary that at least the goods themselves attract with their intricacy and variety. The breadth of the assortment and the presence in it of such conspicuous objects as rubber masks depicting famous political figures will be very useful here.


Find such a seller to work in the joke store, whose life position would be consonant with the theme of your trade. The salesman’s popularity strongly depends on the seller’s ability to show “cool” products and make judgments about them, of course, there’s nothing to do here with dull and indifferent people. Proceed in the selection of personnel from the fact that a promising area for your activity is the organization of holidays and various kinds of fun events, and people who were involved in this area are just what you need.

How to open a joke store
