
What to call a movie theater

What to call a movie theater

Video: Cinema - Skrillex 2024, July

Video: Cinema - Skrillex 2024, July

The cinema is a public institution for the public demonstration of various films. It is absolutely certain that the attendance depends on the name of the cinema.


Instruction manual


Name the movie theater by the name of the street on which it is located. For example, if the cinema is located on Solnechnaya Street, then call it "Sunny". Then, at the mention of the indicated street, all potential customers will have associations with the cinema and at a subconscious level there will be a desire to visit it.


Name the movie theater after its copyright holder. Moreover, this option is acceptable if the copyright holder has a good reputation among city residents. For example, a cinema belongs to a certain Zhukov, then, accordingly, the name of the cinema is “Zhukov”.


The name of the cinema should be associated in people with something good, positive, evoke positive emotions, and cheer up. In this connection, name the cinema as follows: “My Beloved”, “Kinorai”, “Cinema, Wine, and Dominoes”, “Last Session”, “The World of Popcorn”, “Abracadabra”.


Try to come up with a movie theater name that would be memorable, and also, if possible, reflect the interior of your movie theater. If you designed your movie theater in the American style, then select the appropriate name for it, for example: "Hollywood Star".


Please note that the name of your movie theater should stand out from competitors - other movie theaters.

Useful advice

If you have no options for the name of the cinema, then arrange a contest on your blog or on a social network. Indicate that the purpose of the competition is to come up with an unusual and memorable name for the cinema. To someone who can cope with this goal, promise a year of free visits to the cinema for two people. Thus, you will have a large selection of names, and you will provide free advertising for your cinema, as a large number of people will want to participate in the competition.

movie theater names
