
How to open a repair office

How to open a repair office

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Opening your own business requires compliance with many conditions for its successful functioning. Before embarking on the implementation of a particular type of entrepreneurial activity, you need to draw up a certain algorithm of actions to prepare for this work.


You will need

  • - premises;

  • - equipment for work;

  • - staff;

  • - legal documents for this type of activity;

  • - advertising;

  • - transport.

Instruction manual


Carefully analyze your skills and abilities. What can you do best: repair computers, sew clothes, “bring back home” appliances, or repair shoes? Perhaps you understand the devices of cars or motorcycles?


Explore the demand market for the type of service you are going to offer. Determine the competitive cost of your services. For example, if you decide to open a repair bureau to repair clockworks, but are going to set a price almost equal to the cost of new watches, it is unlikely that you will have many customers.


Estimate the number of competitors in your area of ​​activity in the area. Indeed, if, for example, you open a bureau for repairing washing machines and refrigerators, and Rembytservice, which has a long-standing reputation, is located nearby, it is unlikely that the client will come to you, unless you, of course, hit everyone with very low prices for the services provided. But is it worth it?


After you decide on the competitive niche that you intend to occupy in the service market, you need to find a room where the bureau will be located. In order to avoid the cost of renting an area, the repair of vehicles, for example, can be arranged in your own garage, if you have one. There you can repair and household appliances, and even shoes. The main thing is that the room is bright enough, warm and spacious. It is better to open the workshop somewhere closer to the center, and not on the outskirts of the city.


Having decided on the premises, decide how many people will work in your repair office, that is, what will be the working staff. It is best to start a business with a small number of employees (sometimes one person is enough), and then, as the company is being promoted, increase the scale of labor.


Stock up on the necessary supplies, equipment for troubleshooting, machines, instruments, etc.


Do not forget to legalize your business, that is, to collect all legal documents in the local administration, to register with the tax office, registering your form of business.


Decide if you need an accountant, driver, loader and other employees, depending on the specifics and scale of your business.


Pay attention to advertising, especially at the beginning of your business. This can be ads in the media, distributed leaflets with information about your repair bureau, your own site with a description of the services provided, contact details and other information that attracts the attention of the client.


A repair bureau can also be an on-site one, that is, all activities for repairing a product can be organized at a customer’s home. To do this, it is desirable to have a personal vehicle and a mobile tool kit. An operator may be on the phone to receive orders.
