Business management

How to sell what is not for sale

How to sell what is not for sale

Video: HOW TO SELL ANYTHING | Sales Motivations | Sonu Sharma | For association cont : 7678481813 2024, July

Video: HOW TO SELL ANYTHING | Sales Motivations | Sonu Sharma | For association cont : 7678481813 2024, July

Sometimes in sales there is such a case that the goods are almost impossible to sell. Not because it is bad, but because no one wants to buy it. It would seem that everything is in order with him, but buyers stubbornly ignore attempts to offer him. In this case, obviously, several mistakes were made that needed to be fixed.


Instruction manual


First of all, determine whether the target group has been correctly selected. It is possible that the product is positioned for the target group for which it is not really suitable. Conduct a survey - questionnaire, the purpose of which will be to find out why this product is not suitable for those who should be suitable in theory.


In parallel with this, check the location of the goods. A product located too high or too low, as a rule, does not attract attention as much as a product that is at eye level. Naturally, it is necessary to know at what age the target audience is, so that it is exactly at the level at which it is guaranteed to see it.


Conduct a sales training. It is possible that your sellers are experiencing a serious lack of ability to sell as such. Train their ability to communicate with the client, try to keep their skills constantly progressing.


Arrange for a stock that is impossible to sell. Try to distinguish it from the general mass so that people pay as much attention to it as possible. The most effective and not suspicious, as a rule, are discounts, like "two for the price of one."
