
How to open a business at home in 2017

How to open a business at home in 2017

Video: 10 Tips for Starting your Own Business ( Must Watch ) 2024, July

Video: 10 Tips for Starting your Own Business ( Must Watch ) 2024, July

Which of the people does not dream of starting their own business. The areas of interest are different for everyone - someone will open a grocery store, but someone will start to bring cars from Japan. What if you decide to work at home? This simplifies the task a little, in any case, you will not need to pay rent and salaries to a large number of employees. So, how to open a business homebody.


You will need

Start-up capital,

Instruction manual


Identify "deficiencies" in potential customers. Those. find out the degree of need of citizens for the product or service that you are going to sell. To do this, do a little social research. In various forums on the Internet, bring up topics related to your product. If the nature of the discussion is active, people will begin to show interest - the chances that your business will go well will increase. Of course, this method mainly concerns some specific and new for people goods and services (for example, some kind of medicine, simulators, etc.). And if you are going to do viscous mittens, scarves, sweaters, then conducting such a survey is not necessary. Because your product is understandable to potential customers, familiar and demanded in most of the Russian Federation.


You can not do without start-up capital, as in any other business. Usually it is used to purchase equipment for production, to rent a room. In your situation, you won’t have to pay the rent, so only take care that you have everything you need to start your business. If you are going to do massage at home - take care of purchasing a professional massage table, creams, towels, a special form and everything else that may be required.

Getting a loan to start your own business is quite simple. Many banks have special programs designed for small businesses. Application usually takes 2-3 business days. The loan amount is from 30, 000 rubles, while some banks do not require any documents other than permanent or temporary registration with an expiration date of at least one year at the time of conclusion of the contract.


Check out options for home business ideas. You are especially lucky if you have a house on the earth and you are engaged in any agricultural activity. Thus, you can sell vegetables, berries, honey, eggs, etc. "Home" products are always very popular among the population. Firstly, because of the price, and secondly, because of the quality. If you live in a city, you can organize in your own apartment: a workshop for making clothes (knitting, sewing), a workshop for "tweaking" musical instruments, for example, guitars (if you or your relatives are familiar with this matter). You can spend social. polls by phone or on the Internet, organize a tutoring office and conduct classes with students at home, you can provide medical services (if you have a license and work experience), breed puppies or cats of rare breeds, advise on all kinds of issues, starting from compiling individual horoscopes, ending with jurisprudence …


You will need to register your activities officially and pay the appropriate taxes to the state, as commercial activities in the Russian Federation are taxable.

Useful advice

Choose any business that you own well and can say about yourself - in this business I am a real ass!

Your knowledge, experience, self-confidence will help you make your favorite business an occupation that brings you profit and you can only wonder why you did not do this business before.

How to open a business in any field
