
How to open an outsourcing company

How to open an outsourcing company

Video: How To Start An Outsourcing Business | ZERO DOLLAR INVESTMENT 2024, July

Video: How To Start An Outsourcing Business | ZERO DOLLAR INVESTMENT 2024, July

If you decide to open your own outsourcing company, then first you need to study the classification of these enterprises in the Russian market. In addition, you will need to perform a certain sequence of actions.


You will need

  • - Personal bank account;

  • - notarized documents;

  • - notice of the acquisition of legal entity status.

Instruction manual


Select market segments and industries. If the company (or its founders) plans to have industry expertise, master the market all the way. A newly created general-purpose company should not be wasted to enter any particular market and refuse customers only because of inappropriate industry affiliation. Your services must be in demand.


Decide on key regions and competencies. Speaking of small IT business, the key region is implied by one, and it should be determined by the place of residence of the organizers of the enterprise. You can, of course, decide to open in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, having moved from Kaliningrad, but in the absence of a large company, nothing good will come of it.


Build a marketable and comprehensible service portfolio with a transparent pricing methodology. When setting prices to the customer, one should not forget that both small and large enterprises can operate in the same regions, although in different market segments.


Evaluate the market soberly and your own opportunities. Count on breakeven no earlier than after three years. At the start of the business, the founder of the company should ideally know everything about his first customers and the necessary tools to service them. And if you do not have a business relationship that would allow you to put together the necessary capital, then it may be too early for you to open your own company.


Try to take resources by serving several customers at once. A clear evil is dependence on a single client. Due to the slightest delay in payments or when a relationship is broken, your business will be on the verge of bankruptcy. No customer should ideally transfer more than 20% of your revenue.

Useful advice

Invest in developing your own technology. Upgrade your IT staff at least once every six months.

  • A reminder for a start-up IT outsourcing company.
  • how to create an outsourcing company
