
How to organize a snowmobile rental

How to organize a snowmobile rental

Video: Solo Winter Survival Pack Out | Clothing, Equipment and Snowmobile Setup 2024, July

Video: Solo Winter Survival Pack Out | Clothing, Equipment and Snowmobile Setup 2024, July

Winter is a great time for outdoor activities. Snowmobile rental will bring considerable profit with the proper organization of business. Attract customers not only with the opportunity to rent equipment, but also with interesting attractions and convenient service.


Instruction manual


Register your rental formally. Choose the form of ownership: IP or LLC, which is most suitable for small businesses. Choose the simplified tax system (simplified tax system), in which you need to pay only 6% of the tax and do not have to report on your expenses. Get a bank account and company seal. It is not necessary to purchase a cash register; it is enough to confine oneself to strict reporting forms.


Find a place that is suitable for using snowmobiles. Make a lease with the owner. After this, enclose the rental location with a fence. Such an organization of rental is more like an attraction, but it is this approach that will ensure the safety of equipment and the ability to control your business.


Buy and register snowmobiles. Provide the technical passport of the snowmobile, a certificate account, a statement and a certificate of compliance to the Gostekhnadzor authorities. Pay the state fee and give the receipt to the inspector. As a result, you will receive registration numbers, a vehicle inspection certificate and a certificate of registration.


Hire a person who will issue snowmobiles and charge a fee, drivers of snowmobiles with driving rights of category "A", technical instructor and mechanic. You can only drive with a snowmobile with permissions, so organize training courses.


Advertise your business. Post ads to newspapers, radio, and online sites. Agree with the enterprises of your city, perhaps they will give out your business cards in exchange for the same service. Print discounted flyers for your next rental session.


Arrange a hot bakery and beverage outlet. The better the recreational facilities are organized, the more customers will visit you. For people who are not authorized, arrange a rental with a driver.

Useful advice

Set a visitor counter at the entrance to monitor the integrity of the staff and not tolerate losses.
