Business management

How to name the room

How to name the room

Video: (TUTO) How to name a room 2024, July

Video: (TUTO) How to name a room 2024, July

When the question arises, what is the name of the room, one should proceed, first of all, from what it is intended for. Name development - naming - a science based on marketing. Therefore, the second factor to consider is the preference of the potential target group. Will this name be clear to her?


You will need

  • -Room;

  • -Decision of specialization;

  • -Marketing research.

Instruction manual


Decide what will be in your room. Be guided more rationally by the analysis of the business situation in the region - which services are most in demand, but are not properly presented. Perhaps there is a shortage of retail grocery stores in your city? In this case, you can go along the path that the "Pocket" and "Kopek" networks went. Their names clearly show the fact that these are shops for the lean and people with low incomes.


Open a beauty salon in the room, naming it, according to specialization. You can also choose a neutral name: "Pink Flamingo", "Quiet Harbor" - these names have nothing to do with either the beauty salon or their services. A memorable option is a shocking and even shocking name. So in St. Petersburg there is a hairdresser, which is called "Hands - scissors."


Name the room ironically. As a rule, shops, salons and restaurants that are located in such premises receive serious advertising on word of mouth. Visitors, and just pedestrians who see the ironic sign, tell their friends about it. As a result, an information virus is launched that positively affects the brand’s “promotion”. After all, you will not fail to tell if you see the Parisian cafe, the Rebryshkovaya bistro or something else like that.


Choose a name that makes you smile. So on the expanses of our homeland at different times, there were opened places of catering and leisure "Shelter of a tired tractor operator", "Excel-moxel", "Peace - beer", "Sorry, grandmother".


Develop the naming of private clinics and pharmacies, appealing to the concept of "health": the successful names are "36.6", "First Aid", "Rosehip". If there will be a dental clinic in the room, show by the name that they carefully treat not only the patients' teeth, but also their nerves. In this regard, the name "Clinic of the Good Dentist" is successful. If you make an appropriate ("good") logo for it, the brand can be untwisted without serious investments.
