Business management

How to name a clothing and shoe store

How to name a clothing and shoe store

Video: Creative Shoe Store Names 2024, July

Video: Creative Shoe Store Names 2024, July

A novice entrepreneur who opens a clothing and footwear store is sure to think about what name to give him. As a rule, simple, uncomplicated names come to mind, which have already been heard for a long time. Do not rush to the final choice, show your imagination and ingenuity.


Instruction manual


The name of the clothing and shoe store should be adequate, and not cause ridicule and mismatch of the goods. At the same time, one single word can reflect your idea so precisely that you and your store will become very popular. It is very important to place a sign above the store that evokes only positive emotions and interest.


Try to come up with a name for the store so that it is easy to pronounce or remember, such as "Charm." This is the perfect name for a women's clothing store. No woman will pass by such a sign, as curiosity will definitely prevail.


Follow certain rules in choosing a business name. Feel free to use your name. The names "Katyusha", "Anastasia", "Natalie" sound easy and straightforward. Consider also the name of the microdistrict in which the opening is planned. If none of the invented names suits you, read the literature on the history of the creation of trade, there you will find many options for yourself.


Read fashion magazines or visit fashion websites, you will certainly be surprised how many words now exist that are both audible and creative in pronunciation. Do not exclude options for foreign names, as well as consonance with a well-known foreign brand will be beneficial for your store. But avoid obvious plagiarism.


Consult with friends and colleagues, they will certainly tell you several options for creative and interesting names. Consider each word and compare with your character and the nature of the goods sold. Do not be discouraged if you do not find anything suitable, stop at what is not repeated within your town or at least the street.


Play with the words. Make a name from several words by deleting or, conversely, adding various prefixes, syllables, endings. You yourself will be delighted with the options. Organize a contest for the name of the store among the employees, sometimes such a brainstorming gives excellent results.
