Business management

What to call a children's center

What to call a children's center

Video: Montessori Toddler Activities Ages 2-3 years Updated Shelf Activities #montessoriwithhart 2024, July

Video: Montessori Toddler Activities Ages 2-3 years Updated Shelf Activities #montessoriwithhart 2024, July

Opening a children's center is a good thing, and moreover, profitable. The range of services provided by such centers is quite large - training, medical services, entertainment and much more. But no matter what your children's center will do, it needs a good name.


Instruction manual


Remember your target audience. And not only about children, but also about their parents. After all, a child, having seen or heard an advertisement, immediately goes to his parents due to his insolvency. Therefore, the name should hook the child and not push the parent away. Modern children are very fond of foreign language short names. In addition, the shorter the word, the easier it is to remember. However, try to find a name that is not without meaning. Remember that the word should be clear to the child. After all, you still have a children's center.


Build on the activities of your center. If this is an entertainment center with all kinds of slot machines, then the name should be conducive to active games and fun. If it is a center for children's development, then nothing sharp and annoying is needed. It is better to connect the title thematically with training and education. You can use Latin roots, but only well-known ones, so that no one has to go into the dictionaries with decoding. If this is a sports center, then the name needs to be active and energetic. Do not forget about the age of the children your center is designed for. For the age category of 3 to 7 years, one name is needed, and from 7 to 18 - another. It is unlikely that sixteen-year-olds will like to visit the center called "Baby."


Refuse stamps. “Sun”, “Cloud”, “Asterisk”, “Daisy” - all this is a long gone stage, besides, too boring.


Seek help from children's cartoons and books. Favorite fairy-tale characters can also give a name to your center. Just be careful with copyrights and do not forget about relevance - a cartoon that is popular now will not necessarily retain its position in five years, and then renaming the center will be unprofitable.


When you outline several variants of the names, conduct their phonosemantic analysis, that is, identify what kind of associations people have these words. Depending on what you want to produce the effect of your name, you can choose the best of all.

Phonosemantic analysis of words
