
How to name a holiday agency

How to name a holiday agency

Video: How to start a tour company 2024, July

Video: How to start a tour company 2024, July

A beginning holiday agency can try itself in different directions until it decides on the most promising and profitable. Therefore, when choosing a name, it is undesirable to concentrate on a narrow segment of serviced customers. It is better to reflect the general festive atmosphere, and with the experience and expansion of the client base, open a second agency with a name for a specific profile.


Instruction manual


Make a list of words that are associated with the holiday. Close your eyes and imagine a suitable atmosphere: brightness, brilliance, fireworks, cake, flying, freedom, dream, joy, smiles, jokes, ribbons, etc.


Sort the list by importance. First write the most exciting.


Leave the first seven words in the list, delete the rest.


Write each word on a separate card.


Lay out the cards on the floor so that they are as far apart as possible. If the room is small, some can be put on chairs, armchairs and sofas.


Step on the first card. For example, the word "shine" is written on it. Tell us why this word is associated with the holiday. Describe emotions, appropriate environment. Use a voice recorder not to lose a single thought. Speak until you have all the ideas.


Repeat the sixth step for the remaining cards.


On the back of each card, write a short summary of key ideas recorded on the recorder.


Use the prepared materials to generate possible agency names.


If you have like-minded colleagues or relatives who can help, ask them to go through the first nine steps. Let them do it regardless of your opinion: do not interfere in the process and do not prompt anything.


Brainstorm, where everyone speaks out in favor of the best names that he got. You will have enough options to make the final decision.


There are people with critical thinking styles. They can be useful in brainstorming, just warn them that criticizing the options is prohibited. Otherwise, the creative atmosphere may fade.

Useful advice

The first nine steps must be taken in one breath, without interruption. Make sure that no one distracts you, turn off the phones.
