
How to start an advertising business

How to start an advertising business

Video: How to Start an Advertising Business | Including Free Advertising Business Plan Template 2024, July

Video: How to Start an Advertising Business | Including Free Advertising Business Plan Template 2024, July

You can approach the creation of an advertising agency from two sides - either, without investing a lot of effort and money, begin to provide intermediary services without producing anything yourself, or from the very beginning compete for the status of a manufacturer of a unique advertising product. The second way, of course, is more complicated, but to create a promising advertising company you need to choose just such a business strategy.


You will need

  • - office space;

  • - landline telephone and a dedicated Internet line;

  • - several computers, including those on the Apple platform;

  • - Two managers, a designer and a layout designer on staff.

Instruction manual


Decide what types of services your company will provide - various advertising agencies can offer completely different sets of services, and their full range for your company needs to be identified in advance. The simplest tasks are the production (or organization of manufacturing) of outdoor advertising, the placement of advertisements in the print media, the production of advertising newspapers and leaflets. More complex tasks for which advertising agencies undertake are the development of a corporate identity, the organization of promotions, the integrated promotion of a product or service on the Internet.


Find an office space where your managers and designers will work. It is not worthwhile to attach great importance to the convenience of the location and the appearance of the office, as advertisers usually conduct negotiations with customers on their territory. It is much more important to pay enough attention to the acquisition of equipment necessary for creative graphic work - experts advise purchasing computers on the Apple platform for these purposes.


Form the staff of your future agency by hiring two (or to start one) managers, a designer and a layout designer. In some cases, you can give all the "creative" to freelancers, and on an ongoing basis only keep managers. In large advertising agencies, a creative director and a specialist in advertising in the media also work on a regular basis.


Develop a strategy for promoting the services of your advertising agency - the competition in this market is quite fierce, so it is not easy to form a contingent of your regular customers. Until you have an impressive portfolio, resort to traditional methods of advertising - advertise in the media and city address directories of goods and services.

Useful advice

Keep a database of freelancers, bringing in those remote designers who once helped you and did an excellent job - the larger the base of these “creatives” you have, the better.

As long as your agency does not have its own portfolio, you can ask one of the full-time designers to submit their old works - this will already allow the client who is interested in you to make an idea about your company.

  • How to open an advertising agency
  • how to open an advertising business
