
How can I make money on my own weight loss system?

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How can I make money on my own weight loss system?

Video: How to Not Diet and Lose Weight Permanently in 2020 2024, July

Video: How to Not Diet and Lose Weight Permanently in 2020 2024, July

Losing weight is, of course, great! But losing weight and making money is a little better. It turns out that this is also possible, however, for this it is necessary not only to systematize your experience, but also to transfer it correctly to those who wish.


What should be the system

Before you start earning on anything, including a weight loss system, you need to create it by considering the diet, the presence and amount of physical activity, and other recommendations. Moreover, this system must meet a number of requirements:

1. The system of weight loss should be original, ie to suggest some methods or their combination that have not been encountered before.

2. It should be accessible to the majority, ie Designed for the widest possible target audience.

3. The system should have some kind of "highlight", a sensation, a small discovery, albeit lying on the surface, but one that did not occur to any of those who created something similar earlier.

4. The author must test this system and demonstrate the results. Better when he does it on his own, and the results are impressive. Say, Ekaterina Mirimanova, who lost 60 kilograms and created her “System minus 60”, is much more enthusiastic than a slender woman who kept herself in shape all her life and no one imagines that she may have at least a gram extra. Although, it is possible that it will not be the author who will demonstrate the results of the miracle system, but his followers, and it would be better if there are several of them.

When such a system has developed and is already working, it's time to start its “promotion”. Of course, you can immediately write a book outlining your ideas, but this way requires quite a lot of financial investment, and the result risks being dubious. You can act through periodicals, but it’s much easier to promote your methodology through the information business system.
