
Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise: what you need to consider

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Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise: what you need to consider

Video: 7501NSC Lecture 9: Analytical Tools and Enterprise Risk Management 2024, July

Video: 7501NSC Lecture 9: Analytical Tools and Enterprise Risk Management 2024, July

When analyzing the internal environment of the enterprise, it is important to consider a number of points that will help to understand the essence of its activities. These include the marketing environment, the macro environment and goal setting analyzes of the internal environment.


Analysis of the marketing environment

Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise allows it to carry out its successful activities and occupy a strong position in the market, since it makes it possible to timely identify all deficiencies and correct them. Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise is based on several important factors, one of which is the study of the marketing environment. What does it include?

First of all, it is important to identify the main influencing groups using expert judgment. Secondly, it is necessary to specify and evaluate external factors and their impact on the internal environment of the enterprise. Thirdly, it is necessary to single out them the most significant factors, which should be paid special attention. Fourthly, it is important to understand well to what extent they influence the enterprise. Fifth, measures should be developed that will reduce the negative impact of these factors. The last, sixth component of the analysis of the marketing environment - planning forecasts and the consequences of the development of the external environment. This means that the analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise is impossible without an assessment of external factors that somehow affect its structure.

Macro environment analysis

Macroenvironmental analysis is based on an understanding of the immediate environment of the enterprise. This includes the assessment of manufacturers of the same products, the study of the competitive strength of consumers, control of the marketing system, as well as the assessment of manufacturers of substitute products. In addition, the analysis of the macro environment takes into account the influence of suppliers on the stock of the enterprise and the ability to work with larger suppliers - this allows you to get maximum discounts and investment services.

Analysis of the macro environment allows you to understand the following points: the state of technical equipment, the inventory control system, the efficiency of capacity utilization, the cost of raw materials, quality control of the product, the cost, innovation and the effectiveness of the procurement system.
