Business management

Steve Jobs as a successful manager

Steve Jobs as a successful manager

Video: Steve Jobs talks about managing people 2024, July

Video: Steve Jobs talks about managing people 2024, July

Steve Jobs is a gifted, creative person. His business potential as a top manager of one of the world's largest corporations is also based on these qualities. No wonder they say that a truly talented person, talented in everything.


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Steve Jobs career at Apple is very unusual, as, probably, the personality of this person. As the founding father of Apple, Steve has long been in the shadows. If, of course, genius generally knows what a shadow is. One way or another, the 22-year-old, always shaggy and dirty Jobs clearly did not fit the position of chief executive officer of a reputable company. This was acknowledged even by himself. Therefore, when the question arose about the executive director, Steve proposed the well-known director of a computer company John Scully to this position.


For almost two years, the new CEO has endured Jobs’s presence in the company. After all, the latter was extremely independent and undisciplined. He openly expressed his opinions and argued with the boss. In 1984, Scali's patience snapped and he fired Jobs. Later, Steve talked about this dismissal as the most useful event in his life. And then there was only resentment, anger and disappointment. After that, Jobs establishes his own, not very successful company, which Apple sells a few years later. And when Apple is on the verge of bankruptcy in the early 90s, it is finally led by Jobs.


"Do you want to continue to trade sweetened water, or come with me and try to change the world?" - Jobs asked the same ill-fated Scully when he lured him from his competitors. That phrase says it all. Steve was not originally going to exchange on trifles. He had a goal. Great goal. And this goal invariably served as a guide and became the key to his success.


At the post of Apple's top manager, Jobs makes a number of decisions that are perceived by others very ambiguously. Many considered them at that time very doubtful and risky. Nevertheless, further events pledged their correctness. Many of these solutions have become classics of marketing and are included in management textbooks.


Steve Jobs was the first to appreciate the importance of image advertising and developed an indirect promotion strategy. He proved that non-traditional advertising tools, such as information leakage and intrigue, work better than even the most high-end commercials.


Steve Jobs also well understood that the success of his corporation was a merit not of him alone, but of thousands of engineers, programmers, designers, and attached great importance to improving his team. He realized that only at the expense of one, even the highest technologies, great success could not be achieved. You need to create beautiful components, and then pack them well. To do this, you need to have a creative approach and good taste to everything.


The computer genius was the first to conclude that design should not be auxiliary, but an integral part of the main function of the production process. "Microsoft's problem is that they have no taste. Absolutely no taste. They do not think creatively. Their product has no culture, " Jobs said and emphasized that the real product must be tasty. “We will make such icons on the screen that you want to lick them, ” he joked once.


Steve Jobs was a truly creative person. And he demanded a creative trip in work from others. The ability to create, in his opinion, has long ceased to be the prerogative of only artists and writers. To solve new, non-standard problems, it is necessary for engineers, programmers, and designers.


At the end of his life, Jobs admitted that the main dream and goal of his life was the idea - to change the world, connecting the entire human community on Earth, combining their potentials. But, alas, this dream was not destined to come true. “The problem is that I got older and realized that technological innovations are not able to truly change this world. Sorry, but it's true, ” the computer genius bitterly summed up.

Steve Jobs Lessons
