Business Communication and Ethics

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates: friends, rivals or enemies?

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Steve Jobs and Bill Gates: friends, rivals or enemies?

Video: The Rivalry of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates 2024, July

Video: The Rivalry of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates 2024, July

Even a couple of decades ago, computer technology belonged almost to the category of exoticism and was used only, perhaps, in the offices of state institutions and large companies. Today, desktops and tablets are available to almost all people. Such a widespread use of modern technology is primarily due to two experts - Bill Gates and Steve Jobs.


The relationship between the creators of Apple and Microsoft has always been difficult. Jobs and Gates in the history of doing business have become alternately rivals, then associates, or even just enemies.


At the dawn of their activity, the young Gates and Jobs were more likely rivals than friends or enemies. Many people believe that the first graphical OS, which made working on a PC as simple as possible for ordinary users, was Windows 85. However, this is not entirely true.

For the first time, the idea of ​​using graphical user interfaces for PCs was nevertheless implemented by Apple on Apple Macintosh PCs. It was with the aim of concluding a supply agreement for these desktops of software that Jobs, in his youth in the 80s of the last century, arrived in Washington with Bill Gates.

The creator of Microsoft at that time considered the capabilities of the new OS a bit limited, but nevertheless agreed to work with Apple. Subsequently, for a couple of years after the release of the Macintosh, the companies worked together and the relationship between Jobs and Gates was quite friendly.


The joint work of Microsoft and Apple has become, according to both leaders, quite productive. However, once Bill Gates noted that he has more specialists working on Mas than Steve, considering it unfair.

After this, relations between partners began to gradually deteriorate. They finally fell apart with the Microsoft release in 1985 of the first version of Windows. The news had the effect of an exploding bomb on Steve.

Jobs considered the new OS to be plagiarized Macintosh, and he was not slow to report to the public. Bill answered this, that even before collaborating with Apple, he hatched the idea of ​​developing a graphical shell, believing that the future was with her.

In addition, the founder of Microsoft pointed out the fact that the principle of user interaction with a computer through graphics was not invented by specialists at all from Apple, but from Xerox PARC, which they once admired by Jobs. From that moment, former business partners became irreconcilable enemies.

In 1985, Stephen Jobs left Apple and registered his own company NeXT. However, even after he stopped working for Microsoft's main rival, the relationship between Bill and him did not improve.
