
Advice to a novice entrepreneur

Advice to a novice entrepreneur

Video: The 20 BEST Pieces of ADVICE Every Aspiring ENTREPRENEUR Needs to HEAR! 2024, July

Video: The 20 BEST Pieces of ADVICE Every Aspiring ENTREPRENEUR Needs to HEAR! 2024, July

Every novice entrepreneur sooner or later begins to think about promoting their goods and services.


In search of a client base, spending time and finances on third-party services and not getting the proper result, as a rule, they give up.

Let's look at an example as they say "off line". When a novice entrepreneur goes and posts information about his goods, services. It puts up announcements, approaches this responsibly, without missing a single possible information field - these are stops, porches, all kinds of passable places. And as a rule, the result is not long in coming.

Trusting this function to various intermediaries, the result is the opposite. Since it is quite difficult to find responsible artists. Even having asked for a photo report on the work done, there will always be "cunning" people who will make a photo report for you from different angles on the same site.

Online promotion methods are no different. Do not waste time and money on intermediaries, there are many already implemented programs for self-promotion of your goods and services.

Yes, they are not free, but as practice shows, a competent investment in business is the key to future success.

Rely only on yourself - this is the key moment of your becoming one step higher than your competitors.

In the following articles I will do reviews of programs and services for independent PR. Subscribe to my publications, ask questions.
