Business management

The decomposition method: goals, processes, structure and types

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The decomposition method: goals, processes, structure and types

Video: Learn functional decomposition with an example 2024, July

Video: Learn functional decomposition with an example 2024, July

The decomposition method is a way to simplify solving problems of any type, based on their detailed analysis and crushing of the process into several stages. Most often, the method is used in analytics, economics, mathematics and when conducting any research.


The decomposition method is based on logic and analysis of available data. Such an approach to solving the tasks set allows keeping pace with the modern pace of life, doing business, and even solving ordinary life problems - family, budget, psychological. Moreover, the technique is used even by those who are not familiar with its fundamentals and do not suspect its existence at all, that is, on a subconscious level. Building tactics of behavior with colleagues or relatives, helping a child complete a difficult homework, considering the schedule of the day and his future as a whole, we use the decomposition method in one or another of its manifestations.

What is the decomposition method?

In simple terms, decomposition is the splitting of a single task into smaller ones, and their consistent solution to obtain an answer to a question or to achieve a stated, final goal. The technique is as simple and straightforward as possible, it does not require certain skills in a certain field, and it can be used to achieve a goal even where knowledge and experience are minimal.

A lot of scientific works have been written about the method of decomposition, its main stages, principles and fields of application are defined. In some areas, the technique is simple, performed in 2-3 stages, and in some it can take a long time and go step by step, and whole groups of specialists and employees participate in the process.

The decomposition process allows you to simplify something without violating its integrity. The separation of activities or tasks does not affect the importance of the components obtained, but significantly facilitates, and sometimes reduces, the time taken to implement the plan. The number of systems for achieving the goal (levels) depends on the direction of activity, the scope of the method, the level of knowledge of the person who solves the problem.

Despite the fact that this method has been used since ancient times, it was described, structured and presented in the form of scientific work in detail only in 1960 by the Americans Danzing and Wulf. They developed the method algorithms, basic principles and generation columns of the method.

Principles and structure of decomposition

To achieve the maximum effect from the application of decomposition techniques, the process must be carried out in accordance with certain principles (rules):

  • the structuring of a task or goal should be based on the simplicity of their analysis into stages,

  • subgoals should be defined so that they are as clear as possible to those who will solve them,

  • after the first substructural line of secondary tasks has been formed, the task implementer (who solves it) determines the need for further analysis of the goal — whether one more stage is needed or not.

In the course of analyzing the set goal for the phased steps of finding the optimal solution, contradictions may arise regarding the logic and unity of the built system. They can also be divided into several steps to eliminate the error in solving the problem. Such an approach helps not only in finding the right answer, but also in determining the path of business development, searching for research paths and cardinal solutions for optimizing economic, social and psychological problems.

The structure of the decomposition method consists of the principle of its operation. The most recent (lower) level is the initial one, and it is with this that the search for a solution begins. The steps are carried out sequentially, strictly according to the constructed scheme, and, as a rule, the process of achieving the goal does not take much time. In addition, decomposition is most effective in teamwork, when each of the participants is engaged in a specific task.

Objectives and types of decomposition

Most often, the decomposition method in the modern world is used in business, and more precisely - in management, the science of management, administration, leadership, optimization of all production and trading processes. This method of systematic data analysis happens

  • functional

  • structural

  • object.

With functional decomposition, at the first stage, a certain algorithm of actions is developed, under which the data scheme is then adjusted. This method is optimal for situations when data is not structured, not divided into types and subspecies.

With structural decomposition, the task is divided into simple ones, from which a solution search plan is formed. Sub-tasks are arranged in a hierarchical table, where the simplest of them in terms of solution take first place. Some may be offered alternatives - searching and adding information, entering new data to optimize the process.

During object decomposition, the process is divided into subject areas, which are functional elements that exchange certain data (information). Each of the selected objects has certain characteristics, is responsible for the transfer or collection of the same type of information. The state of objects with this kind of decomposition is called behavior, on the basis of which one or another decision is taken on further actions, the path to the goal is determined.

Features of structuring the decomposition process

Each of these types of decomposition techniques is based on structuring. When creating a search plan for the right solution for a particular task, it is recommended to follow the principles:

  • strict adherence to the level system - when the lower level submits only to what is above it, and has few logical connections with those that are higher,

  • the division of one task into several subtasks is performed according to the same characteristics, and if one of the lower structures has different characteristics, it should also be divided into several,

  • all created subsystems pursue a single goal - they are 100% part of the main task, and the subsections in percentage terms should be their sum,

  • depth (the number of levels of the structure) is determined at the initial stage, a hierarchical structure is compiled, the number of levels, so that their number allows you to simultaneously visually cover the entire system.

For the decomposition method, terms that are not characteristic of logic and analysis are sometimes used, for example, the tree of goals and problems, similar in structure to the family tree. This method of structuring allows you to compactly formulate tasks and subtasks, save all levels in a single plane, and facilitate their visualization. At the initial stage, a tree of problems is created, and after its analysis, a goal tree is formed. As a result, the structure is preserved, and each subtask finds its solution.
