Business management

Kusnirovich Mikhail: biography, family, condition

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Kusnirovich Mikhail: biography, family, condition

Not all members of the Forbes list on Russia can boast such perseverance in achieving goals and working ability as Mikhail Kusnirovich, owner of the capital's GUM and Bosco di Ciliegy.


Childhood and youth

It all began in 1966, when the son Mikhail was born in the family of the chemist Edita and engineer Ernest Kusnirovich. The modest life of the Soviet inhabitants, the education that was usual for those years in the capital’s school No. 890, nothing distinguished the future millionaire from the crowd of peers. Unless remarkable abilities for mathematics. Young Mikhail did not support the desire of his relatives to send him to study in a mathematical school, but decided to continue the family tradition and get a chemical and technological education. It was during these years that he met M. Khodorkovsky, who became a "partner" in Komsomol work, and with his future wife.

First projects

The diploma received did not particularly please the newly minted specialist. Mikhail chose to go the other way: at first there was work at IMA-Press, then foundation and work at Moscow East and West International House, and then there was cooperation with Giancarlo Casoli: the goal was to transform Gorky Park into a kind of famous amusement park created by an Italian, but already in 1992 the field of activity changed dramatically - a “boutique” was opened on the squares of the Petrovsky passage selling fashionable clothes for men of 3 brands - Guinco, Fiume and Nani Bon. Over time, the range expanded to include models for women and children.

Today's affairs

In 1993, a new company was born - Bosco di Ciliegy, which gained fame not only at home, but also abroad. Half of its shares belong to the founder Mikhail Kusnirovich, the remaining part was divided among themselves by long-standing partners E. Balakin, S. Evteev, M. Vlasov.

In addition to his main activity, Mikhail Kusnirovich pays much attention to the art festival founded by him in 2001, which was called "Cherry Forest". By the way, actor Oleg Yankovsky, invited as the head of the supervisory board, did a lot for the development of the event. In the same 2001, Bosco di Ciliegy was entrusted with an important task - the development and production of equipment for Russian athletes participating in the Olympic Games.

The capital's GUM owes the businessman his revival and modernization. Since 1992, Mikhail Kusnirovich acted as a tenant of space, and in 2017 he became its full owner.
