
How to fill out a fire extinguisher accounting journal

How to fill out a fire extinguisher accounting journal

Video: Accounting Excercise - Recording Transactions on Journal and Creating T Accounts 2024, July

Video: Accounting Excercise - Recording Transactions on Journal and Creating T Accounts 2024, July

Before putting the fire extinguisher into operation, it is necessary to conduct its initial check, during which the complete set of the fire extinguisher and the condition of the place where it will be installed (the visibility of the fire extinguisher or the indicator of its installation location, the possibility of a free approach to it), as well as the readability and intelligibility of the operating instructions, are checked with a fire extinguisher. After inspection, fire extinguishers are recorded in a special journal.


Instruction manual


In the first column - “Date and type of maintenance performed” annually a record is made of the inspection and inspection of the fire extinguisher. As a rule, these functions are performed by the person responsible for the good condition of the primary fire extinguishing means (this may be a supply manager, deputy director or other employee).


The second column is “Appearance and condition of fire extinguisher units”. Here it is necessary to characterize the state of the fire extinguisher, which may be as follows:

- excellent (all nodes of the fire extinguisher are in good condition, there are no external damages), -good (all nodes of the fire extinguisher are operational, minor external flaws), -satisfactory (all nodes are serviceable, but there are significant external flaws that, however, do not affect the proper functioning of the fire extinguisher; for example, expiring expiration date or the absence of a label).


The third column is “The total mass of the fire extinguisher”. You can weigh the unit, but it can be simpler: read the label, it shows the data of the fire extinguisher (for example, 6.3 kg).


The next column - “Pressure (if there is a pressure indicator) or the mass of the gas cylinder” is also filled on the basis of the label data (for example, 4 +/- 0.2 kg (mass)).


Column “Running gear condition of a mobile fire extinguisher”. If the fire extinguisher does not move, a dash is put in the column. If the attachment of the fire extinguisher to the wheels is reliable and there is no damage, then the condition is characterized as excellent. If the mountings are reliable, there are no damages, but a slight adjustment is required, then the condition is good. And the condition of the fire extinguisher is recognized as satisfactory if the chassis is functioning, but requires inspection and refinement.


The column “Measures taken to eliminate the noted deficiencies.” If deficiencies are identified, then measures to eliminate them are described. If not, then a dash.


The last column is “Position, surname, initials and signature of the responsible person”. The person responsible for fire safety (Ivanov I.I.) is indicated here.

extinguisher log book samples
