
How to meet a buyer

How to meet a buyer

Video: How to Meet, Greet & SELL your Buyer 2024, July

Video: How to Meet, Greet & SELL your Buyer 2024, July

The time of scarcity has passed. Food, clothing and appliances are sold in various stores, but some sellers still communicate with customers as if their outlet was the only one in the city. And buyers have a choice. If they do not like the service, they will go to another place. Therefore, the seller who wants to earn money in the new conditions must learn new laws for working with the client.


Instruction manual


Show attention to the client. Set aside extraneous matters (phone, computer, icq, etc.) and say hello to the person who opened the door to your store. Do not bother the client with offers of help. Having said hello, you already make it clear that you are nearby and are ready to help him.


Smile This is a mandatory rule for a successful seller. Remember: a smile must be sincere.


Be friendly. Often behind the isolation or aggressiveness of the client hides shyness, self-doubt, etc. Be open, approach each potential buyer informally, look for your method of conducting a conversation. As a result of your conversation, a person will be satisfied with his purchase, and in the future will become your regular customer.


Accept the client as he is. Do not try to correct it; let clergymen or psychologists do this. Your task: to serve a specific person. The client can very well understand the product that you offer, or be an absolute amateur. The main thing is that he be satisfied. Therefore, do not look down on the buyer if he asks a question, the answer to which seems obvious to you. Do not get annoyed. The manifestation of negative feelings will not do you good service.


Take care of the customer. He should be comfortable in your store, only in this case he will want to come to you again. Think of every person who comes to you as a trickle of money. One rude word, a scornful look or an imposed purchase, and a trickle of money will change the course.


Be professional. You should know your product as well as possible.


Do not evaluate the buyer with a look. Firstly, people immediately feel it. Secondly, appearance can be deceiving. For example, a wealthy man, returning from a three-day hunt, may look unpresentable, and most likely he will not smell of toilet water. Nevertheless, he has money, and he is able to make your purchase.

