
How to survive an entrepreneur

How to survive an entrepreneur

Video: How To SURVIVE As An Entrepreneur 2024, July

Video: How To SURVIVE As An Entrepreneur 2024, July

In our time, competition has grown to unprecedented proportions, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for a simple entrepreneur to survive. In order to figure out how to work efficiently and achieve success in your business, you should study the principles of doing business.


Instruction manual


To build a profitable business, you need to identify the problem in time and set your goal correctly. Gather information, write down all the nuances on the cards. Lay out all the cards in front of you to visually cover the whole problem and each of its components. Evaluate each part, eliminate minor ones, thereby simplifying the problem. Thus, you can set yourself certain tasks, make a plan.

Such work is rarely done by businessmen - usually they do not have a specific plan, are guided by emotions, and are inferior to the pressure of circumstances.


After identifying the problem, you need to find out a way to solve it. A business may have unprofitable departments, departments, employees. To reduce losses, it is necessary to take net profit as the main criterion and use it to evaluate goods, personnel, and working methods. Unprofitable departments require reorganization, and personnel require retraining. Productive employees should be promoted. Popular products should be given special attention.


Choose people who have succeeded in manufacturing or selling as teachers to increase the profitability of the enterprise. Use the experience of others to your advantage. You can read about this experience in books on increasing enterprise efficiency.


The following personality traits can be cited as the main components of effective work: hard work, willpower, perseverance, concentration of forces, enthusiasm. Also, no less important: self-control, self-esteem, courtesy and honesty.

Useful advice

Regardless of the economic climate, in order to survive in a market with a small enterprise, you need to surround yourself with agile people and show the qualities of a competent leader.

Entrepreneur alphabet
