Business management

How to repay a company debt

How to repay a company debt

Video: How to Analyze the Debt of a Company 2024, July

Video: How to Analyze the Debt of a Company 2024, July

Business works on trust. But sometimes his limit ends, and you need to recover the accumulated debt. And here problems may arise: as a rule, debtors are in no hurry to return money. There are several ways to go.


Instruction manual


Negotiate with the debtor immediately after violation of the payment deadlines. Write a complaint letter with links to the current contract and legislation. Consult with lawyers on how to write such letters. Correctly executed correspondence will not only put pressure on your counterparty, but also prepare you for a possible lawsuit. Debt restructuring may be required. If the debtor provides convincing guarantees, you can go on an installment plan, since it is advantageous to resolve the matter in pre-trial order.


Exert moral pressure on the leaders of an unscrupulous company. True, such measures are on the verge of law. But there are security services that hold tough negotiations and often achieve results.


Go to court for debt collection. To do this, you need to carefully prepare the documentation, hire a qualified lawyer specializing in arbitration practice. But be prepared for some difficulties. Arbitration cases are protracted. They have several instances, and subsequent ones may cancel previous decisions. In addition, even a case won does not mean debt collection. Bailiffs often do not find property that can be foreclosed. In addition, a quick return of debts in this case does not occur.


Find out your bank account with your debtor if you already have a writ of execution on hand. You can request this information from the tax office, or you can establish relationships within the debtor organization and find out how their financial activities are actually carried out. After receiving the list of accounts, contact your credit institution with a request to write off money in your favor. There they must fulfill it within 3 days.


Conclude an agreement with a collection agency. This is a specialized organization for debt collection. Choose one of the options for working with it. You can transfer the agency the right to represent your interests as a creditor. And you can transfer your receivables to the collector. Of course, not every debt can be sold. And for the return of debts have to pay.

How to repay debts
