
How to increase the average bill

How to increase the average bill

Video: What is Average Bill Value in Retail and How to increase it 2024, July

Video: What is Average Bill Value in Retail and How to increase it 2024, July

The average bill in your cafe is firmly at around 1000-1500 rubles and does not want to grow? Perhaps one of the best ways to increase it will be to change the format of your cafe and, thus, attract new customers.


Instruction manual


If you want to increase the average bill, it is difficult to resist such seemingly simple actions as raising prices for dishes that are in greatest demand. You should be careful with such things: by raising prices for the best-selling dishes, you can lose some of your regular customers. Perhaps they come to your cafe precisely because you can eat well and drink beer for 1000 rubles in it. If this opportunity is removed, then your cafe will cease to be attractive to them, and new customers will not appear.


In order to increase the average bill, it seems necessary to attract new customers - those who will be ready to leave not 1000-1500 rubles, for example, but 2000 and more over the evening. To begin with, it is important to understand what kind of customers they are and what (which dishes and drinks, what atmosphere, music, etc.) they prefer.


It’s easy to see such a potential client - for this you can go to any cafe in which the average check is higher than yours. After observing his visitors, you can make an approximate portrait of both the client and the environment he needs.


After that, you can begin to make changes to the menu (reduce the selection of beer brands, but diversify the selection of cocktails - they are more expensive and more often in demand among wealthier people). It is important to think about changing the format of the cafe itself. Maybe it’s worth a different way to arrange the room? The same room, due to its design, can be in a deliberately rude, primitive style, in both home and vintage. Instead of background dance music, you can, for example, play jazz.


The longer the client stays in your cafe, the more the average bill will be. You can "delay" a client by organizing various events - concerts, watching movies. If you do not want to turn your cafe into a club, it will be enough just to arrange a small library in it or to offer customers to play board games (chess, backgammon, etc.). An interesting book can be spent in a cafe for much longer than just at lunch, in addition, reading will require "recharge" in the form of an extra cup of coffee with dessert.


It is important that a lot more people know about these changes in your cafe as soon as possible. For this, the simplest methods of promotion are suitable - distributing leaflets to visitors to a similar cafe (why don’t they come to you next time?), Placing banners on the network.
