
How to write off a cash register

How to write off a cash register

Video: How to operate / Instructions for the Sharp XE-A301 Cash register tills epos 2024, July

Video: How to operate / Instructions for the Sharp XE-A301 Cash register tills epos 2024, July

As with any equipment, cash registers have their own useful life. And when it expires, you need to write off the cash register. But write-offs for enterprises using a simplified taxation system are different from write-offs for organizations that pay taxes according to the general system.


You will need

cash register, tax code, calculator, financial statements.

Instruction manual


The cash register has its own period of use, the maximum - 7 years. It is possible to write off the residual value of cash registers when the useful life has not reached seven years. If you use a simplified taxation system at your enterprise, the initial cost of a cash register must be included in expenses. In the process of using the cash register, depreciation of this equipment is charged, and by the end of the useful life, all its cost will be allocated to expenses. Thus, there will be nothing to write off.


Another situation arises in a company that pays taxes to the state budget according to the general taxation system. Over the useful life of a cash register, depreciation was included in the expenses of the company. Write-off is made before its end. Calculate the residual value of the cash register, which will be the difference between the initial value and the amount of depreciation expenses that are included in tax returns for the past tax periods that coincide with the useful life of the cash register equipment. Refer the result to non-operating expenses in accordance with Article 265 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.


Since, when applying the general taxation system, organizations pay value added tax, in the process of using the cash register this tax was charged on operations performed on it. Accordingly, the company is deducted at the residual value of the cash register machine. Multiply it by the rate of value added tax and when submitting a declaration, relate the result to other tax expenses.


If you want to write off the cash register, and its useful life has expired, and you did not manage to include all its cost in depreciation, then the cash register machine can be sold for spare parts or simply discarded. Since the residual value cannot be attributed to expenses. In this case, the company receives a loss in the amount of the residual value of the cash register using this technique.

On the procedure for writing off a cash register excluded from the register with an expired standard depreciation period
