
How to create your own travel company

How to create your own travel company

Video: How To Own Your Own Home Based Travel Agency 2024, July

Video: How To Own Your Own Home Based Travel Agency 2024, July

The idea of ​​creating a travel company in our time is very popular among aspiring entrepreneurs. This is a rather profitable business, but not everyone can withstand fierce competition in this market: two years after the opening, only 10% of companies remain active.


Instruction manual


In order to open your own travel company, you must conclude an agreement with tour operators. They are engaged in the development of tours, form prices for them, as well as the size of commission deductions for travel agencies. As a rule, the larger the volume of tours the company sells, the higher commission it can count on.


When choosing a tour operator, you should pay attention primarily to the reliability of the company, and not to the price level. Before you conclude an agreement, decide which audience your services will be designed for. Based on this, choose the most suitable travel products, as well as the operators that provide them.


Together with the preparation of documents and the conclusion of contracts, it is necessary to deal with the search and preparation of premises for an office. For starters, an office of no more than 20 square meters will be enough for you. It must have a dedicated telephone and Internet line.


After the premises for the office are selected, it will be necessary to make cosmetic repairs in it and equip them for further work. In addition, you need to purchase furniture and office equipment. Do not forget about the design. When contacting your company, the client should want to go on a trip as soon as possible.


As for the staff, for the first time a travel agency will need 1-2 sales managers. The head can combine the work of an administrator, an advertising manager, and also perform customer service responsibilities. As the business develops, the number of employees can be increased, since it is enough for one manager to serve more than 100 applications per month.


A special place when opening a travel company should be given to advertising. The most popular is currently advertising on Internet sites. Advertising in professional publications, periodicals, and outdoor advertising is effective.


The payback period of a travel agency, of course, will depend on the number of customers attracted, the list of services, and the quality of their provision. As a rule, travel agencies pay off within 1.5-2 years.
