
How to create a service

How to create a service

Video: Service Business Examples - How to build a successful service based business? 2024, July

Video: Service Business Examples - How to build a successful service based business? 2024, July

There are types of activities that no one would ever think of as a serious business, but which nonetheless provide a good profit. Among other profitable industries disguised as socially useful work is the collection of waste paper. If you know that no one is still engaged in this business in a particular area, you have a chance to make good money by opening your own reception center.


You will need

  • 1. Certificate of registration of IP
  • 2. Warehouse for storage of recyclables
  • 3. A vehicle suitable for the transport of waste paper
  • 4. Contracts with entrepreneurs buying large quantities of waste paper

Instruction manual


Adapt some utility room (basement, garage, shed) under the warehouse in which you will store the extracted kilograms of paper recyclable materials. It is necessary to ensure that people have free access here, and at certain hours to accept those who will come to you in order to hand over waste paper for a small fee. However, if you want to achieve really noticeable results, then you should not wait while sitting in the warehouse when tons of paper will be brought to you - you need to actively act yourself.


Get a vehicle (a car with a trailer) that will allow you to transport recyclables obtained as a result of active search work to the warehouse. This work will consist in the following: it is necessary to personally go around the "work area" (or send assistants for this) and invite all the people living here to hand over old newspapers, deposits of printed documents and any other unnecessary paper.


Try to negotiate with the largest possible number of institutions located within reach, having as a result of their activities a large amount of paper waste. They will want to hand over waste paper that interests you in many stores, offices, schools. Make arrangements with their employees so that you can regularly come and collect paper recyclables, eliminating the need to take them out on your own.


Connect to the collection of waste paper all those who have a lot of free time and are interested in the reward that you can offer for cooperation at your collection point. Both schoolchildren and the elderly, who have an extensive circle of acquaintances in nearby houses, can become helpers in your business.

Useful advice

To increase the flow of waste paper flowing to you, post ads to local newspapers, post ads in the yards of your area, and put signs near your collection point.

If the business of collecting recyclables went well in one place, organize collection points with your warehouses in other areas, looking for partners who will take over the work on the new site.

An article on the possible prospects of the waste paper collection service
