
How to compose a letter

How to compose a letter

Video: Writing Letters: formal & informal English 2024, July

Video: Writing Letters: formal & informal English 2024, July

Making business correspondence, many companies do not pay much attention. You can often see that serious letters and related correspondence are printed on a plain A4 white sheet. However, few know that the procedure for completing this kind of documentation is regulated by GOST R.30-2003. Although the requirements of this standard are recommended, their application will help to give your letters a serious and business character.


Instruction manual


An official letter should preferably be made on the letterhead of the organization. Letterhead along with business cards and mail envelopes is an element of corporate identity. It is a specially designed sheet of paper with the details of the organization printed on it. Depending on the design, a letterhead may include the following elements:

• company logo;

• Company name;

• Details: organization address, bank details, contact information;

• Graphic elements of corporate identity;

• Date and registration number of the document;

• Title of the document (order, order);

• Text block of the document;

• Footer.


In the upper right corner of the official letter indicate the addressee. They may be organizations, institutions, legal entities and individuals. In this case, the name of the organization or its structural unit is indicated in the nominative case, and the position of the person to whom the document is addressed is indicated in the dative case. For example: ZAO "Electric installation"


V.M. Kochetkov


The main text of the letter may include various tables and questionnaires. However, most often an official letter consists mainly of the text part. In this case, the text, as a rule, is divided into two parts. The first indicates the various reasons, grounds and goals of writing the letter, the second - decisions, conclusions, requests, suggestions, recommendations.


The official letter ends with the corresponding signatures of the persons on whose behalf it is written. At the same time, the names of the positions of the signatories of the document and their personal signatures with decoding (initials, surname) are indicated.

State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 6.30-2003. Requirements for paperwork
